€ |
1922-34 SE Definitive set of 12 to 1 shilling in unmounted mint condition |
260 |
1922-34 SE Definitive set of 12 to 1 shilling in fine mint condition, retail Euro 250 as unmounted mint |
90 |
1922-34 Se definitive set to I shilling (missing 10d value) mainly fine used |
35 |
1922-34 SE 1d Definitive fine unmounted mint top right corner block of 6 (proving it came from the sheet) with variety Watermark Inverted, a very scarce positional block |
850 |
1922-34 SE 1½d definitive unmounted mint block of four (I hinged) |
15 |
1937 SE 5 shilling St. Patrick SE Definitive fine mint example |
95 |
1940-68 E Watermark Definitive set of 14 fine mint |
65 |
1940-68 E Watermark Definitive set of 14 fine unmounted mint |
150 |
1940-5 E Wmk. St. Patrick 10 shilling value on Cream Paper fine mint |
30 |
1982-90 range of 14 Architecture values to £5.00 on all on CCP1 paper |
50 |
1982-90 range of 21 Architecture values to £2.00 on all on CCP3 paper |
40 |
| | |
D001 Image | 1922-40 Small range of definitives including SE ½d, E½ and E2½ d values in mint condition. | 4 |
D002.5Image | 1922-34 SE low value definitive set of 12 in superb unmounted mint condition. | 250 |
D004Image | 1922-34 SE ½d definitive superb unmounted mint example with inverted watermark and excellent perfs all around.
| 75 |
D006Image | 1922-34 SE 1d Definitive fine mint with variety Watermark Inverted.
| 30 |
D007Image | 1922-34 SE 1d Definitive marginal block of 8 one stamp with large unprinted area causing missing value at left, a great rarity. | 1250 |
D009 Image | 1922-34 SE 2d Definitive fine mint example with variety Watermark Inverted.
| 35 |
D011 Image | 1922-34 SE 2½d definitive with inverted watermark marginal block of 4 used on piece with parcel cancel and Watermark Inverted.
| 90 |
D012 Image | 1922-34 SE 10d value unmounted mint but with light gum crease, retail Euro 38 as fine.
| 9 |
D013 Image | 1922-34 SE 10d value unmounted mint but with some rust spots, retail Euro 38 as fine. Each
| 9 |
D014 Image | 1922-34 SE 1 Shilling Definitive unmounted mint example.
| 73 |
D014.1 Image | 1922-34 SE one shilling definitive cds used block of four with clear date 22/1/35, a difficult value to obtain in multiples
| 45 |
D018 Image | 1937 SE St. Patrick high value set of three in fine mint condition
| 215 |
D019 Image | 1937 SE St. Patrick high value set of three in fine mint condition
| 215 |
D023 Image | 1937 St. Patrick 2-6d value fine mint example
| 64 |
D025 Image | 1937 SE Watermark St. Patrick 2-6d value cds used but with creasing, retail as fine €54
| 20 |
D026 Image | 1937 St. Patrick 2-6d on thick rough ungummed paper doubly printed once inverted lower left corner block of 4 some faults and staining but a great rarity.
| 1075 |
D033 Image | 1937 St. Patrick SE Wmk. 10 shilling value unmounted mint lower marginal single
| 190 |
D035.7 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk. Definitive set of 14 fine used including the scarce 1 shilling Sword of Light.
| 25 |
D036.1 Image | 1940-68 Small selection E Watermark Definitives 1d, 1½d and 3d values used or unused all with inverted watermark
| 7 |
D042 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk. 5d Definitive unmounted mint with variety watermark inverted.
| 19 |
D043 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk. 11d definitive cds used block of 4 with two clear strikes of a 1961 cancel.
| 8 |
D045 Image | 1922-3 Parcel Piece with Thom Saorstat 6d (with SACrstat variety) and SE 1 shilling and 3d tied by large purple Parcel Post cancel.
| 25 |
D050 Image | 1940-5 E Wmk St. Patrick 2-6d on Cream Paper unmounted mint example with variety Watermark Inverted.
| 95 |
D052 Image | 1940-5 E Watermark St. Patrick 5 shilling value on Cream Paper unmounted mint example.
| 33 |
D054 Image | 1940-5 E Wmk. St. Patrick 5 shilling value on Cream Paper unmounted mint top right corner block of 6 with Watermark Inverted rarely seen in multiples.
| 650 |
D056 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk 5 Shilling value in Cream Paper cds used pair one stamp with Line Flaw variety and not often seen.
| 30 |
D061 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk. St. Patrick 2-6d value on White Paper unmounted mint example with inverted watermark.
| 40 |
D062 Image | 1940-68 E Watermark 2-6d definitive unmounted mint top right corner pair one stamp with small white dot over first E of Eire.
| 19 |
D063 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk 5 Shilling definitive on White Paper two right marginal pairs with different shades but both with Line Flaw variety.
| 55 |
D064 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk 5 Shilling value on White Paper unmounted mint marginal pair one stamp with Line Flaw vairety.
| 25 |
D069.6 Image | 1967 Imagegravure 3d unmounted mint Cylinder Block of 12 from Cylinder 1.
| 20 |
D069.65 Image | Ireland O Clery ½d unmounted mint vertical Coil Join strip of 4
| 15 |
D069.67 Image | Ireland O Clery ½d six unmounted mint horizontal strips of 6 ex coil roll and ideal for plating study
| 10 |
D069.68 Image | Ireland O Clery ½d six unmounted mint vertical strips of 4 ex coil roll and ideal for plating study
| 10 |
D069.8 Image | 1967 Imagegravure 3d set of gutter blocks of four from both Cylinder 1 and 2 in superb unmounted mint condition
| 35 |
D069.9 Image | 1967 Imagegravure 3d set of T gutter blocks of four from both Cylinder 1 and 2 in superb unmounted mint condition.
| 45 |
D069.91 Image | 1966-8 Imagegravure 5d value unmounted mint Cylinder Block of Six fine unmounted mint.
| 12 |
D072 Image | 1940-68 E Wmk. 5d Imagegravure Definitive cds used example with inverted watermark.
| 6 |
D073.1 Image | 1968-9 Gerl pre decimal Gerl definitive set of 16 in superb unmounted mint gutter pairs, retail &uro;400 approx.
| 175 |
D073.25 Image | 1968-9 Gerl Definitive 5 shilling value super unmounted mint Cylinder Block of 6
| 100 |
D073.5 Image | 1971-4 E Wmk Definitive set of 18 in unmounted mint Cylinder blocks of 4 mainly very fine, total retail in excess €540.
| 220 |
D074 Image | 1971-4 E Watermark 2½p value unmounted mint Cylinder Block of 4 PVA Matt Cyl 1.
| 8 |
D075 Image | 1971-4 E Watermark 2½p Definitive unmounted mint corner block of 6 one stamp with Retouch variety from Row 8 Stamp 2.
| 10 |
D076 Image | 1971-4 E Watermark 5p Stag unmounted mint marginal strip of 4 one with Line under Stag variety.
| 7 |
D077 Image | 1974 E Watermark 5p Dog unmounted mint Cylinder Block of 4.
| 25 |
D078 Image | 1971-4 E Watermark 7½p Stag unmounted mint block of 4 with PVA Matt.
| 2 |
D079 Image | 1971-4 E Watermark 10p Winged Ox unmounted mint Cyl. Block of 6 PVA Matt with additional Falgs in left margin.
| 150 |
D081 Image | 1971-4 Watermark 10p Definitive unmounted mint marginal strip of 5 one stamp with variety Weak Spot between Hooves from Row 5 Stamp 6.
| 90 |
D082 Image | 1971-4 E Watermark Gerl Definitive 10p Type 1 Cylinder Block of 4 with the scarce Lilac Outline and a very scarce Cylinder Block.
| 200 |
D083 Image | 1971-4 Watermark 10p Winged Ox Type 1 with Lavender outline cds used example.
| 10 |
D084 Image | 1971-4 E Watermark 12p Winged Ox unmounted mint Cyl. Block of 4 PVA Shiny.
| 10 |
D084.9 Image | 1974-8 No Wmk. Gerl definitive 6p Stag unmounted mint Gutter Pair
| 8 |
D085 Image | 1974-8 No Watermark 7p Stag Type A unmounted mint Cyl. Block of 6 and a very scarce block.
| 182 |
D087 Image | 1974-8 No Watermark 7p Stag unmounted mint Gutter Pair on the scarce Type A Paper.
| 75 |
D087.1 Image | 1974-8 No Wmk. Gerl definitive 7p Stag unmounted mint Gutter Pair
| 15 |
D087.4 Image | 1974-8 No Wmk. Gerl definitive 9p Stag unmounted mint Gutter Pair
| 12 |
D088 Image | 1974-8 No Watermark 10p Definitive unmounted mint marginal block of 10 one stamp with White Mark over 10 variety from Row 15 Stamp 5.
| 12 |
D088.4 Image | 1974-8 No Wmk. Gerl definitive 10p Stag unmounted mint Gutter Pair
| 8 |
D089 Image | 1974-8 No Watermark 15p Definitive unmounted mint cylinder block of 10 one stamp with Scratch over Tail variety from Row 1 Stamp 2.
| 15 |
D090 Image | 1974-8 No Watermark 17p Definitive unmounted mint corner example with Damage to foot of 7 from Row 10 stamp 10.
| 10 |
D091 Image | 1974-8 No Watermark 20p Winged Ox unmounted mint Cylinder Block of 4 Type A and the scarcest block from this series.
| 275 |
D092 Image | 1974-8 No Watermark 50p Eagle unmounted mint Cylinder Block of 4 Type A.
| 25 |
D093 Image | 1981-2 Gerl Litho Set of 6 in unmounted mint Gutter Pairs.
| 15 |
D093.6 Image | 1981-2 18p Litho with the scarce White Paper set of 4 corners of the sheet from Plate 1B, scarce
| 40 |
D093.7 Image | 1981 Litho 18p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1A with Imperf margins
| 25 |
D093.71 Image | 1981 Litho 18p value unmounted mintset of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1A with Perforated margins
| 25 |
D093.72 Image | 1981 Litho 18p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1B with Imperf margins
| 25 |
D093.73 Image | 1981 Litho 18p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1B with Perforated margins
| 25 |
D094 Image | 1982 Litho 18p Value unmounted mint Plate Block of 4 Plate 1B 2 stamps in the block in a light grey shade, probably a chageling but striking appearance.
| 25 |
D095.2 Image | 1981 Litho 19p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1A
| 20 |
D095.3 Image | 1981 Litho 19p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1B
| 20 |
D095.35 Image | 1981 Litho 22p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1A, scarce as only 500 sheets printed from this Plate
| 45 |
D095.37 Image | 1981 Litho 22p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 2A
| 20 |
D095.38 Image | 1981 Litho 22p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 2B
| 20 |
D095.4 Image | 1981 Litho 24p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1A
| 20 |
D095.41 Image | 1981 Litho 24p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1B
| 20 |
D095.42 Image | 1981 Litho 26p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1A
| 20 |
D095.43 Image | 1981 Litho 26p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1B
| 20 |
D095.44 Image | 1981 Litho 29p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1A
| 20 |
D095.45 Image | 1981 Litho 29p value unmounted mint set of 4 corners of the sheet Plate 1B
| 20 |
D096.1 Image | 1982-8 Architecture complete set of 27 (no £2.00 value) in unmounted mint Plate Blocks of 4, normal retail €260+.
| 175 |
D097 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) Plate Block of 4 Plate 1A on CCP1 Paper fine unmounted mint.
| 40 |
D099 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) Plate Block of 4 Plate 1B on CCP1 Paper fine unmounted mint.
| 40 |
D100 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) Plate Block of 4 Plate 1A on CCP2 Paper fine unmounted mint.
| 80 |
D101 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) Plate Block of 4 Plate 1B on CCP2 Paper fine unmounted mint.
| 95 |
D102 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) unmounted mint Imprint block of 4 on CCP2.
| 70 |
D103 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) Imprint Block of 4 on CCP2 Paper fine unmounted mint.
| 55 |
D104 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) unmounted mint Imprint Block of four on CCP2 Paper
| 70 |
D106 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) unmounted mint blank corner Block of four on CCP2 Paper
| 65 |
D107 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) unmounted mint blank corner Block of four on CCP2 Paper
| 65 |
D108 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Cahir Castle (withdrawn type) unmounted mint blank corner block of 4 on CCP2.
| 63 |
D110 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Forgery Imperf unmounted mint example.
| 50 |
D110.1 Image | 1982 Cahir Castle £1.00 forgery unmounted mint imperf marginal pair
| 95 |
D110.2 Image | 1982 Cahir Castle £1.00 forgery unmounted mint imperf corner block of four
| 195 |
D110.8 Image | 1982 Cahir Castle £1.00 forgery unmounted mint imperf gutter pair
| 230 |
D111 Image | 1982 £1.00 Architecture Forgery Imperf unmounted mint Gutter Block of 4.
| 350 |
D111.1 Image | 1982-8 Architecture £5.00 value unmounted mint example on the scarce CCP1 paper.
| 40 |
D112 Image | 1998 Enschede Printing of Treasures Definitives in superb unmounted mint condition.
| 45 |
D113 Image | 1998 Enschede Printing of Treasures Definitives in superb cds used condition.
| 45 |
D114 Image | 1990 Treasures 38p value on scarce CCP1, one of the key values of this series.
| 40 |
D115 Image | 1990 Treasures 52p value superb unmounted mint block of 4 on scarce CCP1.
| 140 |
D117 Image | 1990 Treasures £5 value unmounted mint example on CCP1 paper and very scarce thus.
| 45 |
D118 Image | 2001 Dual Currency Birds set of 6 in fine unmounted mint condition.
| 15 |
D119 Image | 2001 Dual Currency Birds set of 6 in fine cds used condition.
| 15 |
D119.5 Image | 1998 Birds 35p from Walsall printing unmounted mint horizontal pair with major perf shift, from the only sheet known to exist.
| 675 |
D119.6 Image | 1998 Birds 35p from Walsall printing unmounted mint left marginal strip of 4 with major perf shift, from the only sheet known to exist.
| 1350 |
D122 Image | 2002 Birds €10 value cds used.
| 17 |
D202 Image | 1990 Amiel 1p experimental label spectacularly miscut by machine resulting in misplaced value and label divided in two
| 35 |
D203 Image | 1990 Amiel 5p experimental label spectacularly miscut by machine resulting in misplaced value and label divided in two
| 35 |
D204 Image | 1990 Amiel 6p experimental label spectacularly miscut by machine resulting in misplaced value and label divided in two
| 35 |
D205 Image | 1990 Amiel 7p experimental label spectacularly miscut by machine resulting in misplaced value and label divided in two
| 35 |
D206 Image | 1990 Amiel 10p experimental label spectacularly miscut by machine resulting in misplaced value and label divided in two
| 35 |
D207 Image | 1990 Amiel 50p experimental label spectacularly miscut by machine resulting in misplaced value and label divided in two
| 40 |
D208 Image | 1990 Amiel £1.00 experimental label spectacularly miscut by machine resulting in misplaced value and label divided in two
| 45 |